September 23, 2020

The New York Times Features 'Mass for the Endangered'

Listening to 'Mass for the Endangered' tops The New York Times list of "Things to Do This Weekend," per critic Seth Colter Walls. Dubbing it "a polyphonic plea for the Earth, he writes, "As with Snider’s past works, the surface details of this “Mass” can be quickly identified as mellifluous and engaging. But there are additional levels to enjoy...During the “Kyrie,” her affection for American minimalism is clear when insistent string writing powers the vocalists’ polyphonic plea for “mercy to all creed and claw.” Equally telling is a moment in Snider’s “Credo” — as greater complexity gives way to homorhythmic writing on the words “to change how we have lived.” This emphatic articulation of purpose, sung by and for other humans, seems to be reaching beyond environmentalism and toward morality at large."